Shropshire Star

It's the 'Brexitometer': People invited to have say on Brexit at Shrewsbury event

People are being invited to have their say on Brexit by posting their thoughts on a "Brexitometer" in Shrewsbury today.

The Brexitometer in Shrewsbury

Pro-EU campaigners are inviting people to say how they think Brexit will impact on various aspects of life by placing stickers on a whiteboard in Shrewsbury town centre.

The stickers are coloured-coded for three different age groups, to gauge the impact age has on people's views.

The Brexitometer will be at High Cross, at the top of Pride Hill, between 10am and 2pm.

The Shrewsbury event is one of several events across the country organised by the Open Britain, Britain for Europe and European Movement campaign groups.

Events are also being held in Kidderminster and Birmingham, ahead of a new campaign for a second referendum on Brexit due to be launched tomorrow.

James McGrory, executive director of Open Britain, said the event formed part of the largest ever pro-European National Action Day.

"It will lead into the launch tomorrow of a new ‘People’s Vote’ campaign, calling for the British people to be given a vote on the Brexit deal," he said.

Mary Davies, of Open Britain Shrewsbury, backed the call for a second referendum once the terms of Britain's exit had been finalised.

"We are out here today in Shrewsbury with other pro-European groups to campaign for a say on the final Brexit deal," she said.

"Each day that passes shows Brexit is turning out to be much more complicated and costly than people were told during the referendum.

"That’s why a ‘People’s Vote’ on the final Brexit deal would be fair and democratic."

She added that a previous event in the town organised by the groups showed overwhelming support for remaining within the EU.

Of those who took part in the event on March 24, 188 out of 245 people felt the disadvantages of Brexit outweighed the benefits. Of the remainder, 49 thought Britain would be better off as a result of Brexit, and eight did not know.

Clear majorities also thought Brexit would be bad for trade, movement of labour, and UK laws and most thought the Government was not doing a good job.