To the British High Streets, and beyond! Shropshire-built Toy Story sculpture to breathe life into town centres
Sculptors will be saying "so long, partner" to their 9ft Toy Story creations as they hit the road to breathe life into Britain's High Streets.

The British Ironwork Centre in Oswestry has built sculptures of Woody, Buzz Lightyear and Bo Peep, with Mr Potato Head and more in the pipeline.
When they are all ready, they will be shipped out up and down the country to struggling town and city centres to try and drum up some visitor interest and get people out and about.
"It's all to do with rejuvenating the High Street shopping areas," said Clive Knowles, from the centre.
"Hopefully it will inject a bit of life and vitality. Towns and cities can use them and make art trails. There will be eight sculptures altogether."
He said the Toy Story characters will be going to a variety of places including Hull, Leicester and Rotherham.
It is expected they will all be ready by the autumn and probably on the road before the end of the year.
But in the meantime, Salopians who want to see the sculptures can pop to the British Ironwork Centre in Oswestry.