School that once faced closure is rated Good by inspectors
A village school that was on the verge of closure five years ago has been rated Good by Ofsted Inspectors.
Tilstock Primary School was praised for its ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
The "exciting curriculum" was also singled out in the report, as were the opportunities pupils have to learn beyond the classroom, including learning outdoors, attending clubs and going on trips linked to the topics they are studying.
Suggestions in the inspectors' report for improvement included ensuring learning was matched to pupils’ needs and abilities, to ensure pupils made as much progress as they could and build on their existing knowledge and skills.
Headteacher Rowena Kaminski said the inspectors were impressed with the school, the pupils, staff and how they all engage with their community.
"It is great that the school has achieved this incredible result together with the effective support from the Marches Academy Trust," she said.
Tilstock School joined the trust in 2017 when it was on the verge of closure, with only 32 children on roll. Recently funding was received to build two new classrooms as the pupil numbers continue to grow, with 91 children currently on roll. The school also has enhanced outdoor space.
Mrs Kaminski added: “This is a fantastic achievement for the whole of our school community,. The comments we received in our report show that the improvements we have made at Tilstock are sustained and ones that are positively impacting the lives of our pupils both within the classroom and in a wider capacity in areas like our forest school.
"Our parents and carers were overwhelmingly positive about our school, with many saying that the school helps their children to grow socially and emotionally as well as academically.
"We will continue to work on matching pupil ability and need to ensure they make as much progress as possible whilst at our school. This will be done via assessment which we have recently implemented."
"I want to thank everyone for their support, this really is a school community achievement and one which we will enjoy celebrating together.”
For more information and to access the full report,