Shropshire Star

Wild flower verges planned for Llanfyllin

The entrance to Llanfyllin will be more nature friendly in the future.

Wild flower verges for Llanfyllin

Town councillors are appealing for volunteer help to make a nature-rich verge on the entrance to the town this September.

Members of Llanfyllin Town Council’s Biodiversity Group are organising two working parties to cut and rake the bank by Maesydre on September 12 from 10am-midday and Sunday, September 20 at 2-4pm.

Led by Councillor Jackie Langston, the group agreed with Powys Verges Contracts Manager Andrew Collins that the 150m-long bank would no longer be cut in May and June allowing flowers to grow and set seed will provide food for pollinating insects and habitat for butterfly and moth larvae.

The contractor will cut once in September then the working group will cut again and rake off the vigorous grasses that prevent wildflowers from growing.

It can take a number of years for wildflowers to re-establish so the group plans to give nature a helping hand in the first year by seeding the bank with yellow rattle and locally-sourced meadow seed.

Councillor Langston said: “If a number of us could spare an hour to help out, we’d have it done in no time. We’ll have a break part way through for tea and home-made cake so it should be a nice social get-together too.”

Physical distancing will be observed any offers of equipment for the sessions- scythes, strimmers and rakes – would be welcomed.

If you’d like to help out, please contact or Councillor Langston at Down to Earth.

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