Shropshire Star

Shropshire volunteers sought for hi-tech trial aimed at older people

Volunteers in Shropshire could receive over £600 worth of devices to trial a new technology scheme.


Shropshire Council has joined forces with global tech company Samsung to launch a project aimed at helping older people to stay independent, safe and active in their homes.

The Activage Shropshire scheme is offering successful volunteers a technology package worth over £600. They must be 55 and over and have a home broadband connection.

Volunteers will receive a Samsung smart watch and smart phone as well as a set of home sensors that can be attached to doors and electrical appliances. These are designed to let carers or family members know that they are active and safe.

It is hoped that this equipment can help support people to stay independent, safe and active for longer, especially if their family or any supporting carers are not close by.

Lee Chapman, Shropshire Council’s cabinet member for organisational transformation and digital infrastructure, said: “We are really looking forward to working with Samsung and launching Shropshire Activage across the county.

“We want to make the most of the opportunities that digital and assistive technology offers to help improve the health and wellbeing of local people and communities. Also, these new technologies give us an opportunity to transform services so that they are better able to cope with the challenge and pressures we are seeing across the health and social care sector.

“This is fantastic opportunity for residents to trial high street technology, free of charge, to help them maintain their independence, keep safe, and stay active and involved in community life. I would therefore strongly encourage anyone who feels they qualify for the project, to come forward to take part and reap the benefits of this innovative scheme.”


Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s cabinet member for adult social care, public health and climate change, said: “Activage is a hugely exciting project for Shropshire, launching at a time when we need something to look forward to, encouragement to keep moving, to keep active, and if we can, to enjoy the outdoors as part of our daily exercises during the pandemic.

“Assistive and digital technology can offer an important contribution when developing services, not least because they can provide an opportunity for people to have more control over their lives.

“We know that many of us worry when we see our loved ones become more vulnerable and or frail and this can become quite stressful for everyone involved. What this scheme can offer is to help reduce these concerns and provide some reassurance and peace of mind for both the individual and their family.

“Shropshire Activage is not just about equipment. We understand that technology can’t, of course, replace human care, and we wouldn’t want it to, but it can assist in reducing the need for care particularly where the care is predominantly about monitoring and managing risks. This type of technology will run alongside, not replace, traditional support such as carers’ visits, increasing independence and freeing up carers time to provide the human care that only a carer can provide.

“If you feel you could benefit from this scheme or if you care for someone who would, then sign up and register today.”

Those interested in signing up can visit