Shropshire Star

Beefing up the standards

The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society has embarked on a major project in collaboration with IdentiGEN to assure the authenticity of British Aberdeen-Angus beef.

Last updated
Barrie Turner is CEO of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society.

The technology can be used to verify the provenance of not only fresh beef cuts, but also further processed products such as hamburgers, meatballs and lasagnes.

In working towards this solution, the society has been collecting tissue samples at farm level since January 2015 and analysing all registered bulls since January 2018, to have DNA profiles available for each bull that is in use on-farm, whether it is a commercial or a pedigree-use bull.

We’ll be working with IdentiGEN to continue to further develop this database over the coming months and once fully validated, it can be used in the marketplace to differentiate the product and instil trust in the authenticity of the provenance of British Aberdeen-Angus beef.

Our relationship with IdentiGEN is paramount to the success of this scheme and the future protection of the breed and the brand. We’ll continue with our close working relationship.

The new sire-verified standard, backed by science, will be made available to processors, retailers, food service organisations and trading standards.

Barrie Turner is CEO of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society.

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