Should residents wait until their recycling boxes are full before putting them out for collection?
Should Powys residents wait until their recycling boxes are full before putting them on the kerb for collection, a councillor has asked.

At a meeting of the council’s Economy Residents and Communities scrutiny committee on Monday, January 27 councillors probed draft budget proposals for savings and costs.
One of the savings proposed by the Highways Transport and Recycling for next year is £52,500 which would come from: “route optimisation of waste and recycling collections.”
Labour’s Cllr Liz Rijnenberg said: “Sometimes when you look out on the street you see recycling bins that are full and overflowing, but equally you see a lot of bins that only have one or two items in.
“I wonder if the portfolio holder had considered whether or not there would be any labour saving if people did not put their recycling out until their bins are full.”
She believed this would be a “sensible” approach.
Cabinet member for highways transport and recycling, Liberal Democrat Cllr Jackie Charlton said: “I have actually had this issue myself and whether I should put the (recycling) bin out with one bottle in it or leave it until the following week.
“Actually, they would prefer you to leave all the bins out.
“It is up to the individual as it doesn’t create a problem.”
Waiting for a recylcing box to be full before putting it out for collection could actually create a problem for the recycling lorries explained Cllr Charlton.
This is because the lorry could fill up quicker than expected and need to go back to the recycling centre to empty out, before going back to continue their collection.
This would mean more distance travelled for the recycling lorry.
“So, it’s not really supporting route optimisation,” said Cllr Charlton.
On overflowing recycling boxes, Cllr Charlton said that the council’s waste awareness officers – who deal with enforcement issues – could be brought in to help.
Cllr Charlton said: “If there are problems with overflowing bins we do try and speak to those individuals and help them,
“It’s mainly cardboard that seems to be the problem.
“You can have more bins you don’t need to keep to one.
“Everybody is entitled to ask for more if they need them.”
Comments and recommendations from the committee will be added to the budget documents ahead of a vote on the proposals at a council meeting on February 20.