A Llandrindod Wells town councillor inspired after attending a Senedd nature event plans more local projects
A Llandrindod Wells town councillor has been inspired after attending a Local Places for Nature Event at the Senedd.

Now Councillor Chris Owen (Blue) is keen for the council to start researching a new nature project in the town.
He attended the event at the Senedd with Councillor Steve Deeks-D’Silva in November.
In a report to a recent town council meeting he said it was a great honour to represent the town council at the event and it was a great opportunity to network, meeting some of the lead contacts when it comes to funding opportunities and assistance in taking any future projects to the next level.
“It was very inspiring for me to see how other councils and community groups had created vibrant, nature based community spaces that served both the environment and the local residents.
“This approach to environmental and social care of been a passion of mine, as I feel it tackles the root cause of many of the societal problems that we face within our communities.
“The Well-being of Future Generations Act gives us the ambition, permission and legal obligation to improve our social, cultural, environmental and economic well-being. The Act requires public bodies in Wales to think about the long-term impact of their decisions, to work better with people, communities and each other, and to prevent persistent problems such as poverty, health inequalities and climate change.
“The Act is unique to Wales attracting interest from countries across the world as it offers a huge opportunity to make a long-lasting, positive change to current and future generations.”
Councillor Owen said seeing what others have managed to achieve has given him a renewed drive to facilitate projects that help people to reconnect with the natural world, create a strong sense of community, have access to fresh and nutritious food, have an opportunity to get their hands and feet on the earth, feel a sense of accomplishment and create community resilience.
“I believe there is a lot of potential for further projects to be developed within our town which can address the modest measures set out by the ‘Nurture our nature scheme’ and help improve the quality of life for our residents and make Llandrindod Wells stand out as a town that really cares for our environment,” he added.
Councillor Owen shared the example of Meadow Street Community in Pontypridd which raised over £91,000 to create a safe and welcoming place, where people from all walks of life can enjoy the benefits of nature, home grown produce, and the opportunities to share and learn new skills.
The Senedd event was held in order to promote these projects to the Members of the Senedd to try and ensure that these funding streams remain available in the coming year.
The main aims of these projects, were to increase wildflower planting, increase community food growing opportunities, increase local tree planting, including street trees, orchards and small woodlands, restore or create 200 community orchards, reducing the use of pesticides, improving public access to drinking water, creating 50 habitat schemes at rail stations and transport interchanges, and sensory gardens for therapeutic purposes.
Councillor Owen added: “I feel we could to try to address all of these measures, potentially across various projects in Llandrindod Wells.
“Do we have land available in our town which would be suitable for such projects? I have been looking at various unused plots of land around the town which could be suitable. I have already found a couple of potential sites.
“To expand on the success of our Temple Gardens sensory garden I would like to begin research on a new project, working in partnership with local residents and volunteer groups, Powys County Council and the Welsh government and their affiliated partners.
“I hope that my intention to be a major driver of such a project is clear and that I can call on the support of the town council to help drive this vision forwards.
“If you have any comments or suggestions, or would like to assist in the next phase of this project then I would like to hear from you!”
Councillor Blue also expressed an interest in becoming the second Town Council representative on the Trawsnewid Llandrindod Transition Committee along Councillor Sian Meredudd and members supported and approved his request.