Two men have appeared in court following an attempted murder in Llandrindod Wells.
Two men have appeared in court following an incident that took place at Hillcrest Rise, Llandrindod Wells on the evening of Saturday, December 14.

Officers received a call from ambulance service, requesting assistance at Hillcrest Rise, where a man was reported to have sustained serious injuries.
Ricco Douglas, 25, from West Midlands, has been charged with attempted murder, and Calum Samuel, 23, from Llandrindod Wells, has been charged with conspiracy to murder in connection to this incident.
Both men appeared at Newport Crown Court on Friday, January 17.
The case was adjourned until February 21 for pleas and the defendants will be produced to court on that occasion.
A trial date has been set for June 16 2025, with a time estimate of two weeks.
Two other people arrested remain under investigation and are on police bail.