Knighton residents are facing a 57 per cent increase in the town council portion of their council tax this year.
Knighton residents are facing a 57 per cent increase in the town council portion of their council tax this year.

The increase will amount to an additional £46.22 per average household across the year, equivalent to £0.88 per week, though this will vary depending on Council Tax Band.
It will mean a Band D property will pay £125.56 for the year but this is one small part of a household’s overall Council Tax bill, with the rest set by the Powys County Council.
It came as the town council agreed to ask for a total precept of £168128.61 for 2025/26, but they did make £4540 worth of cuts to their initial draft budget.
They said the increase was necessary to continue the delivery of essential local services and address the rising costs of its operations and it came after a comprehensive budget review.
The budget review process involved an in-depth analysis of the council's financial obligations, revenue streams, and the rising costs of providing important local services.
Staff costs have increased significantly this year with the National Insurance increases, the council’s insurance has also increased and one of the major costs is the town toilets which have increased from £15,228.83 to £21,501.52 for 2025/26.
Apart from inflation, the rise in toilets costs comes from some money which is being put aside to use as match funding for potential grants for works to improve or renovate the toilets. The council is working on ways to reduce toilets costs.
Money has been set aside for local groups such as the youth group, the town’s literary festival, the silver band and for match funding the river flag project and the tourism group’s flags. They have also put aside money for town improvements and maintenance and Knighton in Bloom
A spokesperson for Knighton Town Council said; “The necessary adjustment in our Council Tax precept is caused by our strong commitment to ensuring a standard and accessibility of services that meets community needs and wishes.
"Our goals for 2025/26 include on-boarding new accounting processes to ensure effective and wise financial management, and we will continue to seek alternative revenue sources to ease the financial impact on our residents.
"In light of the cost-of-living challenges encountered by many, we are committed to ensuring support is available for those experiencing difficulties with their Council Tax obligations and would encourage anyone who is struggling to contact Powys Citizens Advice on 0345 6018421."
For more details on the budget review, the Council Tax increase, or to understand how Council Tax funds are utilised, please visit