See inside former pub near Bridgnorth that's now on the housing market for around £1million
A former pub near Bridgnorth which can now be turned into a house after a lengthy planning dispute is now on the property market for around £1million.

The Swan Inn, a former public house with letting rooms in Knowle Sands, had suffered from the loss of trade over several years.
A planning battle recently concluded with the owner able to convince the Planning Inspectorate that it was no longer viable and a public house.
Now it is being marketed by Roger Parry and Partners via Rightmove for a variety of future possible uses if more planning consents can be secured.

As a building set in 0.78 acres with possible potential for development it is on the market for £1,150,000 - or as a building set in 0.33 acres it is on the market for offers in the region of £750,000.
Swan House, as the building is titled, is being marketed as an “exciting opportunity to acquire a former public house with planning consent granted for residential change of use and a large car park with potential for alternate uses subject to necessary planning consents.”

The agents add that the property subject to conversion will make an 'imposing and impressive family home or subject to planning consent has potential to offer numerous units/alternate uses'.
“The property’s stand-out feature is uninterrupted views to the River Severn and across the glorious Shropshire countryside.
“There is a large car park to the rear of the property which offers great potential for alternate uses subject to necessary planning consents.”

The accommodation is currently laid out in accordance with its previous use as a public house, letting rooms and owners' accommodation, but offers 'enormous potential' for alterations to provide spacious family living or alternative uses subject to necessary planning consents.
There are a total of seven bedrooms, each with an en-suite shower room.
Viewing of the property is strictly by appointment only through Andrew Lowe, of Roger Parry & Partners at Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury.
For more details visit the Rightmove website.