Shropshire Star

Letter: Hunt caused chaos in centre of town

I was present in Bridgnorth when the Wheatland Hunt paraded through the town centre.


As the pack of hounds moved at the head of the hunt, I was forced to the side of the road and almost knocked off my bike.

The whole spectacle caused a traffic standstill.

I wonder if the hunt has the right to take over our roads and thoroughfares in this manner? Does it get permission from the town council, or does it consider it a right to cause such a disturbance?

I for one do not support hunting. People were in the town centre to shop, not to stand in awe of this spectacle.

Personally I found it most offensive and didn't bother doing the shopping I was going to do, but went home instead. I know this was also the sentiment of other shoppers I have spoken to.

Shropshire is changing. We no longer want to be subject to the so-called ruling classes.

The county needs to attract people and businesses which will support and improve the area and not cater just for tourism and the rich who live in what they see as a rural idyll, caught in a time bubble which never existed in the first place.

Lorraine Parker

Much Wenlock

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