Shrewsbury ingredients in a dress for chocoholics
It is the dream of chocoholics everywhere – a dress made of white, dark and milk.

But this was not one to eat – this one was paraded down the catwalk in a top show which attracts chocolatiers from around the world. Shrewsbury chocolatier Julia Wenlock teamed up with leading bridal designer Hannah Webb, from Much Wenlock, to make the dress, which appeared at the Salon du Chocolat in London.

Called Steampunk, the dress was made using layers of chocolate-coloured satin and silk, along with hoops, leather and lace.
Elements of Steampunk – including keys, locks, cogs and cameos were made from the finest chocolate and then fixed on to the dress, adorning the corset and hooped skirt which Hannah made by hand.
Julia, who works from Shrewsbury Market Hall, said: "We used layers of chocolate coloured material, leather, lace and chocolate to make the dress look as one. We wanted the chocolate to become part of the dress, rather than looking like it had been stuck on.
No chocolate directly touched the model's skin, as chocolate melts at body temperature.
"Luckily the chocolates were just about okay under the catwalk lights," added Julia.