'Serious incidents' surge at Shropshire hospitals
Botched operations, unexpected deaths, and equipment failures are just some of more than 100 serious incidents recorded by health staff across the county, figures revealed today.
Botched operations, unexpected deaths, and equipment failures are just some of more than 100 serious incidents recorded by health staff across the county, figures revealed today.
The list of Serious and Untoward Incidents, revealed following a Shropshire Star Freedom of Information request, shows 176 logs were made between 2008 and 2010 at Princess Royal Hospital, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and care in the community.
The figures show there were six unexpected deaths during the last three years, as well as an operation carried out in the wrong place in March 2009 at Princess Royal Hospital, a drug error in December 2010 at the same site and a fire at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in August last year.
A total of 44 incidents were recorded at the Princess Royal Hospital, compared to 83 at the Shrewsbury Royal Hospital.
In 2010 there were 73 incidents recorded, more than the previous two years, with 49 listed in Shrewsbury, compared to just 18 in Telford.
In 2009, 42 incidents were recorded across the county's health care centres, with 61 in 2008.
Vicky Morris, chief nurse and director of quality and safety at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, said: "Patient safety is one of the top priorities for the trust, and we have a very positive culture for reporting incidents and near misses.
"This organisation is committed to working with staff and patients to continue improving the way we manage our services.
"We encourage staff to report all occasions where an error could have happened.
"This helps us to spot potential problems before they occur, and make improvements that protect the safety of all patients and staff."
A serious untoward incident is one that requires investigation in relation to NHS-funded services and care resulting in the unexpected or avoidable death of one or more patients, staff, visitors or members of the public, permanent harm or where the outcome requires life-saving intervention or major intervention.
It includes a scenario that prevents or threatens the organisation's ability to continue to deliver health care services, or a person suffering from abuse.