Shropshire Star

Letter: Blame non-voters for electoral woes

In response to G Griffiths' letter  (Shropshire Star, August 21) I am unable to understand what point he is attempting to make. He first goes into a tirade about the closure of the prison, barracks, sorting office, and future plans of similar vein for the Shirehall.


He then goes on to say people are sick and tired of politicians and suggests we should turn up on mass, something the British public have been apathetic about for years, or not turn up at all, which is what the majority are already doing.

It isn't just our much-loved Shrewsbury that suffers from people being elected on a very low percentage vote, meaning the majority who chose to stay at home, relinquish the right to voice their opinions about it.

That is why for years successive governments have been elected with less than 40 per cent of people even bothering to vote.

This group of comedians is a prime example. Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg backs David Cameron to form the coalition and as a result they lost nearly all their seats both in Europe and on local councils. If things keep going this way then I guess it will go back to just after the last war when they could hold their meetings in a phone box.

Martin Eddies, Shrewsbury

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